NAAC : Criteria for Cycle II
2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile
2.1.1 Enrolment percentage
Sr.No. | Title | Document name |
1 | Sanctioned Letter | Affiliation_Letter_Both_2018-19_to_2022-23.pdf |
2.1.2 List of admitted students under CAP (Year wise)
Sr.No. | Program | 2022-23 | 2021-22 | 2020-21 | 2019-20 | 2018-19 |
1 | Civil Engg. | Civil 2022-23 | Civil 2021-22 | Civil 2020-21 | Civil 2019-20 | Civil 2018-19 |
2 | Computer Engg. | Com 2022-23 | Com 2021-22 | Com 2020-21 | Com 2019-20 | Com 2018-19 |
3 | Electrical Engg. | Elect 2022-23 | Elect 2021-22 | Elect 2020-21 | Elect 2019-20 | Elect 2018-19 |
4 | E&TC Engg. | E&TC 2022-23 | E&TC 2021-22 | E&TC 2020-21 | E&TC 2019-20 | E&TC 2018-19 |
5 | Mechanical Engg. | Mech 2022-23 | Mech 2021-22 | Mech 2020-21 | Mech 2019-20 | Mech 2018-19 |
6 | Civil PG | Civil 2022-23 | Civil 2021-22 | Civil 2020-21 | Civil 2019-20 | Civil 2018-19 |
7 | Computer PG | Com 2022-23 | Com 2021-22 | Com 2020-21 | Com 2019-20 | Com 2018-19 |
8 | E&TC PG | E&TC 2022-23 | E&TC 2021-22 | E&TC 2020-21 | E&TC 2019-20 | E&TC 2018-19 |
9 | Mechanical PG | Mech 2022-23 | Mech 2021-22 | Mech 2020-21 | Mech 2019-20 | Mech 2018-19 |
2.1.2: Seat matrix
2.1.2: Percentage of seats filled against seats reserved for various categories (SC, ST, OBC, Divyangjan, etc. as per applicable reservation policy during the last five years
Sr.No. | Program | 2022-23 | 2021-22 | 2020-21 | 2019-20 | 2018-19 |
1 | Civil Engg. | Civil 2022-23 | Civil 2021-22 | Civil 2020-21 | Civil 2019-20 | Civil 2018-19 |
2 | Computer Engg. | Com 2022-23 | Com 2021-22 | Com 2020-21 | Com 2019-20 | Com 2018-19 |
3 | Electrical Engg. | Elect 2022-23 | Elect 2021-22 | Elect 2020-21 | Elect 2019-20 | Elect 2018-19 |
4 | E&TC Engg. | E&TC 2022-23 | E&TC 2021-22 | E&TC 2020-21 | E&TC 2019-20 | E&TC 2018-19 |
5 | Mechanical Engg. | Mech 2022-23 | Mech 2021-22 | Mech 2020-21 | Mech 2019-20 | Mech 2018-19 |
6 | Civil PG | Civil 2022-23 | Civil 2021-22 | Civil 2020-21 | Civil 2019-20 | Civil 2018-19 |
7 | Computer PG | Com 2022-23 | Com 2021-22 | Com 2020-21 | Com 2019-20 | Com 2018-19 |
8 | E&TC PG | E&TC 2022-23 | E&TC 2021-22 | E&TC 2020-21 | E&TC 2019-20 | E&TC 2018-19 |
9 | Mechanical PG | Mech 2022-23 | Mech 2021-22 | Mech 2020-21 | Mech 2019-20 | Mech 2018-19 |
2.3 Teaching - Learning Process
2.3.1 - Student centric methods (Experiential, participative learning & problem solving methodologies)
A: Experiential Learning
Industrial Internship | ||
Sr.No. | Description | Link |
1 | Civil Engineering | listofintership-civil-1.pdf |
2 | Computer Engineering | Comp_Internship.pdf |
3 | Electrical Engineering | Internship_Electrical.pdf |
4 | E&TC Engineering | Internship_List_Entc.pdf |
5 | Mechanical Engineering | Mech_Internship.pdf |
Industrial Visits | ||
Sr.No. | Description | Link |
1 | Civil Engineering | Industrial_Visit_Civil.pdf |
2 | Computer Engineering | Industrial_Visit_Computer.pdf |
3 | Electrical Engineering | Industrial_Visit_Electrical.pdf |
4 | E&TC Engineering | Industrial_Visit_Entc.pdf |
5 | Mechanical Engineering | Industrial_Visit_Mechanical.pdf |
Expert Talk | ||
Sr.No. | Description | Link |
1 | Civil Engineering | experttalklistcivil.pdf |
2 | Computer Engineering | Comp_Expert_Talk.pdf |
3 | Electrical Engineering | Electrical_ExpertTalk2022-23.pdf |
4 | E&TC Engineering | ETCExpertTalk2022-23.pdf |
5 | Mechanical Engineering | MechDeptExpertTalk.pdf |
Filed Work - Civil Department
B: Participative Learning
Sr.No. | Description | Link |
1 | Innovative Teaching Methodologies like Quiz, Group Discussion, Debate, Think-Pair-Share etc., Google Classroom, Staff Blog list etc. | Innovative_Teaching.pdf |
2 | Nodal Centre (NPTEL) | Nodal_Centre.pdf |
3 | Technical events- Reports of Project competitions | Technical_Events.pdf |
C: Problem Solving Methodologies
Final Year Project | ||
Sr.No. | Description | Link |
1 | Civil Engineering | CivilFinalYearProjectList.pdf |
2 | Computer Engineering | Comp.pdf |
3 | Electrical Engineering | ElectricalFinalyearProjectList.pdf |
4 | E&TC Engineering | ETcFinalYearProjectList.pdf |
5 | Mechanical Engineering | ProjectListMechanicalDept.pdf |
Project Based Learning - First Year & Second Year | ||
Sr.No. | Description | Link |
1 | Civil Engineering | PBL_Civil.pdf |
2 | Computer Engineering | comp_PBL.pdf |
3 | Electrical Engineering | ElectricalPBL.pdf |
4 | E&TC Engineering | ETcPBL.pdf |
5 | Mechanical Engineering | PBLMechanical.pdf |
6 | Applied Science | FEPBL.pdf |
Sr.No. | Description | Link |
1 | List of Add-on/Certification programmes (Reference: Criteria –I, File No. 1.02) | Add-on.pdf |
2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality
2.4.1 Saction Posts
Sr.No. | Title | Document name |
1 | Sanctioned Letter | 2.4.1Sanctioned_Post.pdf |
List of full time teachers | ||||
Sr. No. | Year | Link to open | ||
1 | LIST OF FULL TIME TEACHERS 2022-23 | teacher_2022-23.pdf | ||
2 | LIST OF FULL TIME TEACHERS 2021-22 | teacher_2021-22.pdf | ||
3 | LIST OF FULL TIME TEACHERS 2020-21 | teacher_2020-21.pdf | ||
4 | LIST OF FULL TIME TEACHERS 2019-20 | teacher_2019-20.pdf | ||
5 | LIST OF FULL TIME TEACHERS 2018-19 | teacher_2018-19.pdf |
2.4.2: Percentage of full time teachers with NET/SET/SLET/ Ph. D. / D.M. / M.Ch. / D.N.B Superspeciality / D.Sc. / D.Litt. during the last five years (consider only highest degree for count)
Teachers with Ph.D. Year Wise - Link for Proof | ||||
Sr. No. | >Description | Link to open | ||
1 | List of faculty having PhD/NET/SET in A.Y.-2022-23 | PhD2022-23.pdf | ||
2 | List of faculty having PhD/NET/SET in A.Y.-2021-22 | PhD2021-22.pdf | ||
3 | List of faculty having PhD/NET/SET in A.Y.-2020-21 | PhD2020-21.pdf | ||
4 | List of faculty having PhD/NET/SET in A.Y.-2019-20 | PhD2019-20.pdf | ||
5 | List of faculty having PhD/NET/SET in A.Y.-2018-19 | PhD2018-19.pdf |
Sr.No. | Name | ID | Designation | Department | Certificate |
1 | Prof. (Dr.) Sahebrao Bhaurao Bagal | Professor | E&TC | 1_SBB.pdf | |
2 | Prof. (Dr.) Sachin Sudhakar Harak | Professor | Mechanical | 2_SSH.pdf | |
3 | Prof. (Dr.) Dinesh Balasaheb Uphade | Professor | Mechanical | 3_DBU.pdf | |
4 | Prof. (Dr.) Nilesh Ramrao Wankhade | Professor | Computer | 4_NRW.pdf | |
5 | Prof. (Dr.) Arun Ramnath Khalkar | Professor | Applied Science | 5_ARK.pdf | |
6 | Prof. (Dr.) Dayanand P. Joshi | Professor | Civil | 6_DPJ.pdf |
2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms
2.5.1 Mechanism of internal / external assessment is transparent and the grievance redressal system is time- bound and efficient
Sr.No. | Description | Link |
1 | Transparency In Internal Evaluation Of Project | Transparency_in_Project_Work.pdf |
2 | Rubrics of laboratoryterm work internal assessment | Rubrics_for_term_work.pdf |
3 | Transparency in laboratoryterm work internal assessment | Int_TW_Continuous_Assessment_Sheet.pdf |
4 | Transparency in results of internal assessment of Unit test | UT_QP_Marks.pdf |
5 | Unit test and Prelim examination time table | Notice_UT.pdf |
6 | Transparency in Grievances redressal system | 6_Transparency_Grievance.pdf |
7 | Course Information Sheet and Assessment mechanism | CIS.pdf |
2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcomes
2.6.1 Programme Outcomes (POs) and Course Outcomes (COs) for all Programmes offered by the institution are stated and displayed on website
2.6.2 Attainment of POs and COs are evaluated.
Sr.No. | Description | Link |
1 | Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering | CO_POattainmentETc.pdf |
2 | Computer Engineering | CO_POattainmentcomputer.pdf |
3 | Mechanical Engineering | CO_POattainmentMechanical.pdf |
4 | Civil Engineering | CO_POattainmentCivil.pdf |
5 | Electrical Engineering | CO_POattainmentelectrical.pdf |
6 | Applied Science Department | CO_POattainmentFirstyrengg.pdf |
2.6.3 Pass percentage of Students during last five years (excluding backlog students)
Sr.No. | Description | Link |
1 | Result Analysis 2022-23 | 2022-23_result_analysis.pdf |
2 | Result Analysis 2021-22 | 2021-22_result_analysis.pdf |
3 | Result Analysis 2020-21 | 2020-21_result_analysis.pdf |
4 | Result Analysis 2019-20 | 2019-20_result_analysis.pdf |
5 | Result Analysis 2018-19 | 2018-19_result_analysis.pdf |
3.2.2 Number of workshops/seminars/conferences including programs conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and entrepreneurship during the last five years
3.3.1 Number of research papers published per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC CARE list during the last five years
3.5.1 - Number of functional MoUs/linkages with institutions / industries in India and abroad for internship, on-the-job training, project work, student / faculty exchange and collaborative research during the last five years
4.1.1 - The Institution has adequate infrastructure and other facilities
Table: 1. Infrastructure & physical facilities of the institute | ||
Sr.No. | Particulars | Document |
1 | Geo tagged photograph of Institute infrastructure and physical facilities | 4.1.1I.pdf |
2 | Geo tagged photograph of cultural activities, gymnasium, sports and yoga center facilities | 4.1.1_II.pdf |
Table: 2. Infrastructure & physical facilities of the department | ||
Sr.No. | Department | Document |
1 | Civil Engineering | 4.1.1CivilEngg.pdf |
2 | Computer Engineering | 4.1.1CompEngg.pdf |
3 | Electrical Engineering | 4.1.1ElectricalEngg.pdf |
4 | E&TC Engineering | 4.1.1ENTCEngg.pdf |
5 | Mechanical Engineering | 4.1.1MechEngg.pdf |
6 | First Year Engineering | 4.1.1FirstYear.pdf |
4.1.2 - Percentage of expenditure for infrastructure development and augmentation excluding salary during the last five years
Sr.No. | Title | Document name |
1 | 2022-23 | 2022-2023LGNSCOEAuditReport4.1.2.pdf |
2 | 2021-22 | 2021-2022LGNSCOEAuditReport4.1.2.pdf |
3 | 2020-21 | 2020-2021LGNSCOEAuditReport4.1.2.pdf |
4 | 2019-20 | 2019-2020LGNSCOEAuditReport4.1.2.pdf |
5 | 2018-19 | 2018-2019LGNSCOEAuditReport4.1.2.pdf |
4.2.1 - Library is automated with digital facilities using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS), adequate subscriptions to e-resources and journals are made. The library is optimally used by the faculty and students
Sr.No. | Title |
1 | 4.2.1A.pdf |
2 | 4.2.1B.pdf |
3 | 4.2.1C.pdf |
4 | 4.2.1D.pdf |
4.3.1 - Institution frequently updates its IT facilities and provides sufficient bandwidth for internet connection
4.3.2 - Student – Computer ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)
4.4.1 - Percentage expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities excluding salary component, during the last five years
Sr.No. | Title | Document name |
1 | 2022-23 | 2022-2023LGNSCOEAuditReport4.4.1.pdf |
2 | 2021-22 | 2021-2022LGNSCOEAuditReport4.4.1.pdf |
3 | 2020-21 | 2020-2021LGNSCOEAuditReport4.4.1.pdf |
4 | 2019-20 | 2019-2020LGNSCOEAuditReport4.4.1.pdf |
5 | 2018-19 | 2018-2019LGNSCOEAuditReport4.4.1.pdf |
5.1.1. Percentage of students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the Government and Non-Government agencies during last five years
Sr.No. | Academic Year | Type of Scholarship |
1 | 2022-23 | A. Govt. Scholarship B. Institute Level Scholarship |
2 | 2021-22 | A. Govt. Scholarship B. Institute Level Scholarship |
3 | 2020-21 | A. Govt. Scholarship B. Institute Level Scholarship |
4 | 2019-20 | A. Govt. Scholarship B. Institute Level Scholarship |
5 | 2018-19 | A. Govt. Scholarship B. Institute Level Scholarship |
5.1.2 - Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives taken by the institution include ofthe following
Sr.No. | Title | Document name |
1 | Soft Skills | Soft_Skills.pdf |
2 | Language And Communication Skills | Language_And_Communication_skills.pdf |
3 | Life Skills | Life_skills.pdf |
4 | Awareness Trends in Technology | Awareness_trends_in_technology.pdf |
5.1.3 - Average percentage of students benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counseling offered by theInstitution during the last five years
Sr.No. | Title | Document name |
1 | Academic Year 2022-23 | Academic_Year_2022-23.pdf |
2 | Academic Year 2021-22 | Academic_Year_2021-22.pdf |
3 | Academic Year 2020-21 | Academic_Year_2020-21.pdf |
4 | Academic Year 2019-20 | Academic_Year_2019-20.pdf |
5 | Academic Year 2018-19 | Academic_Year_2018-19.pdf |
5.1.4 The Institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases
Sr.No. | Name of the committee | Document |
1 | Internal Complaints Committee | |
2 | Student Grievance Redressal Committee | |
3 | Anti Ragging Committee | |
4 | Anti Ragging Squad Committee | |
5.2.1 Percentage of placement of outgoing students and students progressing to higher education during the last five years
A. Student Placement | ||||||
Sr.No. | Academic Year | Computer Engineering | Civil Engineering | Electrical Engineering | E&TC Engineering | Mechanical Engineering |
1 | 2022-23 | Comp_2022-23 | Civil_2022-23 | Ele_2022-23 | ETC_2022-23 | Mech_2022-23 |
2 | 2021-22 | Comp_2021-22 | Civil_2021-22 | Ele_2021-22 | ETC_2021-22 | Mech_2021-22 |
3 | 2020-21 | Comp_2020-21 | Civil_2020-21 | Ele_2020-21 | Nill | Mech_2020-21 |
4 | 2019-20 | Comp_2019-20 | Civil_2019-20 | Ele_2019-20 | ETC_2019-20 | Mech_2019-20 |
5 | 2018-19 | Comp_2018-19 | Civil_2018-19 | Ele_2018-19 | ETC_2018-19 | Mech_2018-19 |
B. Students progressed to higher education | |||||
Sr.No. | Academic Year | List of Students progressed to higher education | |||
1 | 2022-23 | 5.2.1_B_Student_progressed_to_higher_education_2022-23.pdf | |||
2 | 2021-22 | 5.2.1_B_Student_progressed_to_higher_education_2021-22.pdf | |||
3 | 2020-21 | 5.2.1_B_Student_progressed_to_higher_education_2020-21.pdf | |||
4 | 2019-20 | 5.2.1_B_Student_progressed_to_higher_education_2019-20.pdf | |||
5 | 2018-19 | 5.2.1_B_Student_progressed_to_higher_education_2018-19.pdf |
5.2.2._Students_qualifying_in_state/national/international_level_examinations_during_the_last_five_years_(eg: JAM/CLAT/GATE/ GMAT/CAT/GRE/TOEFL/Civil_Services/State_government_examinations)
Sr.No. | Title | Document name |
1 | Academic Year 2022-23 | |
2 | Academic Year 2021-22 | |
3 | Academic Year 2020-21 | |
4 | Academic Year 2019-20 | |
5 | Academic Year 2018-19 | |
5.3.2. Average number of sports and cultural programs in which students of the Institution participated during last five years
Sr.No. | Title | Name of the Sports / Cultural activity |
1 | 2022-23 | 1. Annual_Clutural.pdf 2. sports_report_2019-20.pdf 3. Days_celebration.pdf 4. Garba_Dandiya.pdf 5. Army_Cultura.pdf 6. Mr_and_Miss.pdf 7. YIN_Summer.pdf |
2 | 2021-22 | 5.3.2_2021-22_Annual_Sports_report_2021-22.pdf |
3 | 2020-21 | |
4 | 2019-20 | 1. Annual_Clutural.pdf 2. sports_report_2019-20.pdf 3. Days_celebration.pdf 4. Mr_and_Miss.pdf |
5 | 2018-19 | 5.3.2_2018-19_Annual_sports_report_2018-19.pdf |
6.1.1 - Governance
Sr.No. | Title | Document name |
1 | CDC Committee | CDC_committee_MOM.pdf |
2 | GB Committee | GB_committee_MOM.pdf |
3 | Organogram | 6.1.1_organogram.pdf |
6.2.1 - A effective curriculum planning and implementation
Sr.No. | Title | Document name |
1 | 6.2.1 - A | effective_curriculum_planning_and_implementation.pdf |
2 | 6.2.1 - B | 6.2.1_B_NSS_DATA.pdf |
3 | 6.2.1 - C | 6.2.1_TP_Data.pdf |
4 | 6.2.1 - D | Kalyani_Charitable_Trust_Policies_R4_Signed.pdf |
5 | 6.2.1 - E | 6.2.1_MOU.pdf |
6 | 6.2.1 - F | 6.2.1_comittees.pdf |
6.2.2 - E- Governance
Sr.No. | Title | Document name |
1 | E - Governance Policy | e_governance_policy.pdf |
2 | E - Governance Annual Report | e_governance_annual_report_2022_23.pdf |
3 | E - Governance Annual Report | e_governance_annual_report_2021_22.pdf |
4 | Tally | tally.pdf |
5 | ERP | 6.2.2_ERP_Documents.pdf |
6 | Library | 6.2.2_LMS Moduls_AutoLib_Documents.pdf |
7 | SPPU Screen Shots | 6.2.2_SPPU_SS.pdf |
8 | ERP Expenditure | 6.2.2_ERP_expenditure.pdf |
6.3.3 - FDP / MDP / Workshops Attended
Sr.No. | Year | FDP / MDP / Workshops Attended |
1 | 2022-23 | 6.3.3_2022-23_certificate.pdf |
2 | 2021-22 | 6.3.3_2021-22_certificate.pdf |
3 | 2020-21 | 6.3.3_2020-21_certificate.pdf |
4 | 2019-20 | 6.3.3_2019-20_Certificate.pdf |
5 | 2018-19 | 6.3.3_2018-19.pdf |
6.4.1 - Audit_Reort
Sr.No. | Year | Report |
1 | 2022-23 | 6.4.1_Audit_Reort_22_23.pdf |
2 | 2021-22 | 6.4.1_Audit_Reort_21_22.pdf |
3 | 2020-21 | 6.4.1_Audit_Reort_20_21.pdf |
4 | 2019-20 | 6.4.1_Audit_Reort_19_20.pdf |
5 | 2018-19 | 6.4.1_Audit_Reort_18_19.pdf |
6.5.2 - NIRF / NAAC
Sr.No. | Year | NIRF |
1 | 2022-23 | NIRF_2023.pdf |
2 | 2021-22 | - |
3 | 2020-21 | NIRF_2021.pdf |
4 | 2019-20 | NIRF_2020.pdf |
5 | 2018-19 | NIRF_2018_19.pdf |
6 | Quality Initiatives | 6.5.2_CIVIL_FDP_2022_23.pdf |
7 | 6.5.2_CIVIL_Project_e_Competition.pdf |
8 | 6.5.2_CIVIL_TECHNO_FEST.pdf |
9 | 6.5.2_CIVIL_Webinar_Application_of_ETABS Softwares.pdf |
10 | 6.5.2_Comp_CO_PO_2023.pdf |
11 | 6.5.2_Comp_E_Project.pdf |
12 | 6.5.2_Comp_Smart_Data_2019.pdf |
13 | 6.5.2_Comp_Technofest_2023.pdf |
14 | 6.5.2_E&TC_e_competation.pdf |
15 | 6.5.2_E&TC_Technofest.pdf |
16 | 6.5.2_Elect_e_project.pdf |
17 | 6.5.2_Elect_Technofest.pdf |
18 | 6.5.2_innovation_poster_competition_prarambh.pdf |
19 | 6.5.2_Mech_ National_Safety_Day.pdf |
20 | 6.5.2_Mech_Project_E-competition.pdf |
21 | 6.5.2_Mech_Technofest.pdf |
22 | 6.5.2_Water_poster_day.pdf |
7.1.1 - Institution has initiated the Gender Audit and measures for the promotion of gender equity during the last five years.
7.1.1A - Specific facilities provided for women
7.1.2 - The Institution has facilities and initiatives
7.1.3 - Quality audits on environment and energy regularly undertaken by the Institution
7.1.4 – Describe the Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment i.e., tolerance and harmony towards cultural, regional, linguistic, communal socioeconomic diversity and Sensitization of students and employees to the constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens
7.2.1 Best Practices
Sr.No. | Title | Document name |
1 | Student counseling and Teacher-Guardian scheme | 7.2.1_student_counseling.pdf |
2 | Departmental Students Association | 7.2.1_students_association.pdf
7.3.1 - Portray the performance of the Institution in one area distinctive to its priority and thrust within 1000 words
1.1 - Students Enrollment
Sr.No. | Year | Students Enrolled |
1 | 2018-19 | A-Y2018-19.pdf |
2 | 2019-20 | A-Y2019-20.pdf |
3 | 2020-21 | A-Y2020-21.pdf |
4 | 2021-22 | A-Y2021-22.pdf |
5 | 2022-23 | A-Y2022-23.pdf |
2.1-Teaching Staff
Sr.No. | Year | Document |
1 | 2022-23 | listoffulltimeteacher_2022-23.pdf |
2 | 2021-22 | List_full_time_teacher_2021-22.pdf |
3 | 2020-21 | full_time_teacher_2020-21.pdf |
4 | 2019-20 | list_full_time_teacher_2019-20.pdf |
5 | 2018-19 | list_full_time_teacher_2018-19.pdf |
6 | 2018-23 | teachers_without_repeat.pdf |
1.3.2 Percentage of students undertaking project work/field work/internship (Data for the latest completed academic 2022-23
Sr.No. | Document |
1 | sample_Report_of_Sponsered_project and internship.pdf |
2 | 10_sample_internship_certificate.pdf |
1.4.1 Institution obtains feedback on the academic performance and ambience of the institution from various stakeholders, such as Students, Teachers, Employers, Alumni etc. and action taken report on the feedback is made available on institutional website
2.1 Teachers List without Repeat
2.2.1 Teachers Appointment Letter
2.1.2 Vacant seat report
2.6.3 Annual Exam Report
3.1 Audit Reports
Sr.No. | Year | Audit Report |
1 | 2022-23 | Audit_Report_Engg_2022-23.pdf |
2 | 2021-22 | Audit_Report_Engg_2021-22.pdf |
3 | 2020-21 | Audit_Report_Engg_2020-21.pdf |
4 | 2019-20 | Audit_Report_Engg_2019-20.pdf |
5 | 2018-19 | Audit_Report_Engg_2018-19.pdf |
4.1.2 - Fund Allocation (Budget)
5.1.1 - Policy_document_of_HEI_for_award_of_scholarship.pdf
5.1.3 - Average percentage of students benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counseling offered by theInstitution
5.1.4. -The institution adopts the following for redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases.
Sr.No. | Document name |
1 | 5.1.4_1_Proof_of_constitution_of_committees.pdf |
2 | 5.1.4_2_Committees_Annual_reports.pdf |
3 | 5.1.4_3_MoM_Students_grievannces_committee.pdf |
5.1.2 Capacity building_and_skills_enhancement_initiatives_taken_by_the_institution_in_A.Y._2022-23
5.2.1 Percentage of placement of outgoing students and students progressing to higher education during the last five years
Sr.No. | Document name |
1 | Aditya_Ramesh_Kanawale.pdf |
2 | Apurva_Sunil_Sapkal.pdf |
3 | Incubation_and_placement_letter.pdf |
5.2.2 Students qualifying in state / national / international level examinations
5.3.2 Average number of sports and cultural programs in which students of the Institution participated.
Sr.No. | Year | Audit Report |
1 | 2022-23 | Audit_Report_Engg_2022-23.pdf |
2 | 2021-22 | Audit_Report_Engg_2021-22.pdf |
3 | 2020-21 | Audit_Report_Engg_2020-21.pdf |
4 | 2019-20 | Audit_Report_Engg_2019-20.pdf |
5 | 2018-19 | Audit_Report_Engg_2018-19.pdf |
6 | - | 6.2.2_GB_committee-1.pdf |
Sr.No. | Year | Audit Report |
1 | 2021-22 | Audit_Report_Engg_2021-22.pdf |
2 | 2018-19 | Audit_Report_Engg_2018-19.pdf |
3 | - | 6.3.2_financial_support.pdf |
6.3.3 - FDP / MDP / Workshops Attended
Sr.No. | Year | Report |
1 | 2022-23 | 6.3.3_2022_23_Report.pdf |
2 | 2021-22 | 6.3.3_2021_22_Report.pdf |
3 | 2020-21 | 6.3.3_2020_21_Report.pdf |
4 | 2019-20 | 6.3.3_2019_20_Report.pdf |
5 | 2018-19 | 6.3.3_2018_19_Report.pdf |
6 | - | 6.3.3_C.pdf |
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